abouT Divine

Healer, Intuitive, Spiritual Channel

In my work, I channel Spirit in all my sessions whether it be a healing, reading, or guidance session. I also channel Spirit during my talks and events. When working with individuals in session, I see them as they truly are and identify where their wounds manifested throughout their stories and experiences. With the help of Spirit, I am able to help individuals deeply understand themselves and their current reality in order to help them heal and create clarity, thus allowing the individuals to finally step into their power and advance on their path of enlightenment and love.

Mastery of the Self

We are Whole and Complete, but we are never finished…

With guidance from Spirit, I embarked on a journey that helped me profoundly heal deep wounds and learn who I finally was in order to step into my truth and power. However, I came to realize that no matter how much we heal and do the work, and how beautiful our life becomes, there is always more healing and work to do as life continues to unfold. It’s a matter of being open to continuing to do the inner work while you go through new beginnings and endings, new forms of lessons that surprise you at the most inconvenient times. It comes down to how you respond to life happening and unfolding for you. Self mastery is an ongoing process. The greatest of Masters know that this is a continuous process that surpass even the realms of this current Earth plane. We are never done. We are always learning. Although we are here to have the human experience in order to grow as souls and spirit, we are first and foremost spirit infinitely creating and evolving. There is no end to our existence, just different and improved versions that are birthed through our conscious learning and awakening of who we are.

My Story

“A Little Bit of Grace, a spiritual memoir”

Learn more about my story, how I started working with Spirit, and how the practices I now teach helped me become who I am today. 

From a typhoon-whipped, rural village in the Philippines, to San Diego to the South of France - learn about my roller-coaster journey of self-awareness. I started in a place of denial of my own power, but through a spiritual journey guided by Self Love, I came to understand that to love myself I needed to know myself.